Our mission is to promote openness, innovation & opportunity within the technology sector. We work with major technology institutions and the public sector in on big data initiatives with a clear difference, we aim to protect the data rights of the public.
At BCD Consulting we’re a community of technologists and thinkers working together to create big solutions that won’t profit from the public data that is gathered to create public wellbeing solutions. We provide ‘Process Audit’ and ‘Segregation of Duties’ checks as part of our solutions to ensure compliance.
With innovation at the heart of our company, we pride ourselves in our lifelong pursuit of learning and desire to break new ground with the aim of forming solutions that benefit the public.
Fear of ‘big brother’ and the misuse of public personal data has hindered the creation of solutions that can benefit society. We place commercial agreements to not sell gathered data.
Our auditing and compliance software ensures that data entrusted to ourselves or our partners is used with integrity. We conduct a variety of automated data checks at regular frequency upon our solutions.
We strive to create an environment that is conducive to developing ideas, we promote only from within our own
company to reward our people based on their effort and dedication.
We form project groupings for the
innovation project at hand, the benefits for the project go to the group doing the work not to BCD Consulting. We
aim to reward our people for creating wellbeing solutions.
Contact us for further details about how we protect data